Release of biblionetwork 0.1.0

I am very pleased to announce the initial release of biblionetwork to CRAN! biblionetwork is designed to build easily and quickly large list of edges for bibliometric networks. You can identify the edges for different types of network (bibliometric coupling or co-citation, or co-authorship networks) and use different methods to calculate the weights of edges.

Mapping Macroeconomics

Building an online interactive platform displaying bibliometric data on a large set of macroeconomic articles. Our goal is to settle the basis for a broad and long-run project on the history of macroeconomics, as well as to bring to historians tools to run quantitative inquiries to support their own research work.


The biblionetwork package provides functions to create fastly bibliometric networks like bibliographic coupling network, co-citation network and co-authorship network.


The networkflow package proposes functions to make it easier and quicker to work on networks. It mainly targets working on bibliometric networks. This package heavily relies on [igraph](https://igraph.org/r/) and [tidygraph](https://tidygraph.data-imaginist.com/index.html), and aims at producing ready-made networks for projecting them using [ggraph](https://ggraph.data-imaginist.com/).