Research Tools

Introduction à la recherche en histoire et philosophie de l'économie

Introduction à la recherche en histoire et philosophie de l'économie et à différents outils et pratiques utiles pour l'écriture d'un mémoire de recherche

Scraping Documents from the Bank of England Website

In this post, you will learn how to scrape various research documents from the [Bank of England]( website.

Scraping Working Papers from the European Central Bank Website

In this post, you will learn how to scrape various research documents from the [European Central Bank]( website.

Scraping Central Bankers' Speeches from the BIS Website

In this post, you will learn how to scrape speeches from the [Bank of International Settlements database]( which gathers most of central bankers' speeches in English.

Extracting and Cleaning Bibliometric Data with R (2)

In this post, you will learn how to extract data from Dimensions website and how to clean them. These data allow you to build bibliographic networks.

Extracting and Cleaning Bibliometric Data with R (1)

In this post, you will learn how to extract data from Scopus website or with Scopus APIs and how to clean the data extracted from Scopus website. These data allow you to build bibliographic networks.

A Road Map for historians of economics to learn R

When the temptation is growing in you to try your hand at quantitative methods, the first question is likely to be "but how can I do, and which tools should I learn to use?" I give here some arguments to engage yourself in learning R and then present different tutorials and R packages useful for historians of economics.